Frequently Asked Questions

No, bring your whole family, children are welcome. This can be time for the entire family to regroup and reconnect.

No, all meals are provided.

As this is a family event, we do not allow alcoholic beverages.

Friday afternoon until Sunday noon.

No, only those that you want to participate in.

You don’t have to. The counselors are available to talk with you 24/7. Invite one fishing, hiking, or just sit around a campfire.

Sleeping bag or blankets, pillow, towels and washcloths, personal items (shampoo, deodorant, etc.), prescription meds, health insurance information, fishing license, and warm clothing for around the campfire.

No more than ten couples.

You can bring a friend, partner, parent or sibling and of course your children..

Contact Us and we’ll help make arrangements.

Contact Us, and we’ll answer any question you have.